July 30, 2018

Top 10 Interviews Questions

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 10 Interviews Questions

Hey guys,

 So since I've been doing a lot of interviews lately I thought it would be a fun idea to write up 10 popular interview questions that I tend to focus on. One thing I've learned lately, is that when it comes to interviews and interviewing for different companies and hiring managers, you might not always get your typical interview questions. The last two interviews I went to, they didn't ask me a single question from top 20 questions that I have written down. But they asked me questions that were kind of similar.

What I like to do is make up a list of questions that people ask in interviews a lot and I type up my answers and then I review them before I have an interview. I make them pretty general that way you can mold them to fit to the specific job you are applying for. To make this list I just googled top interview questions or most popular interview questions and then a bunch of websites pull up. A lot of them will have repeat questions so once you get your list going I just go to random sites and find ones that I don't already have on my list. I am an extremely organized and detail oriented person so I like to make sure that I am very prepared for anything and everything. If I'm not then I have the tendency to get really bad anxiety. 

So below I have listed out my top 10 questions that I tend to study the most and have probably been asked the most. I also chose these 10 questions because my mom and sister conduct interviews for new hires at their work and so they have a list of popular questions that they tend to ask the people they are interviewing and these are some of the questions that they ask. 

1) Tell me about yourself.
2) What are your 5 greatest strengths?
3) What are your 5 greatest weaknesses?
4) Why should we hire you?
5) Why do you want this job?
6) How well do handle stress?
7) How well do you work with others?
8) How do you handle a difficult situation/customer at work?
9) What traits do you think (insert job title) should have?
10) Why are you looking to leave your current job?

So these are the 10 questions that I stick to and they pretty much help me answer whatever question comes my way. Most interviewers will be using questions that are based off of these questions they just change the wording some to fit the job description a little better. 

When it comes to the greatest strengths and weaknesses, they might not always ask for a certain number but it's good to have at least 5 prepared just incase! I know that 5 seems like a large of things to come up with but I promise you there are 5 things that you are great at and 5 things that you stink at that you can figure out how to turn into a positive thing! There's not such thing as perfection which is my number 1 biggest weakness! 

Also, I know that "why should we hire you" and "why do you want this job" seem like very similar questions but they aren't! The "why do you want this job" question is basically asking you why you really want this job or are you just applying to apply. The why should we hire you is your chance to tell them how you are so much better than the other people that have applied for the job.

Remember to always be honest, don't lie in an interview because if you do it will come out someday that you did and then it won't make you look very good. You also could potentially be fired for lying, it all just depends on the company and how they want to handle the situation.

I hope this helps everyone! I know that finding a new job can be stressful which is why I decided to write up these posts! I thoroughly enjoy helping people so I really hope that this helps at least one person! 

Thanks for stopping by!
XO, Steph


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