Hey guys!
I wanted to share a little bit about my experience with Covid. I did eventually end up catching Covid at the end of 2021. I was absolutely devastated. I had a two week long trip planned to finally visit my fiancé's hometown in Massachusetts as well as spend Christmas and New Years with his family. This would have been my second Christmas away from my family which is another reason why long distance relationships are really hard. You want to be with your significant other but you also don't want to miss out on those memories with your loved ones. Unfortunately I ended up getting Covid from a coworker like 3 days before I was supposed to leave for my trip.
I was supposed to fly out on the Wednesday before Christmas after I got off from work that day but I ended up showing symptoms on the Monday evening before. However, I actually got infected/exposed on the Friday before at work. My coworker had just come back from a vacation to Nashville and she came back with a minor cold (or so she thought) along with a few of the other girls on the trip as well. She worked from home for a couple of days after she got back and she also took a couple Covid tests and they kept coming back saying she was negative so she thought it was safe to return back to work. I pretty much avoided her all week as much as I possibly could but finally on the Friday we decided to take a walk together to Starbucks and pick up a Christmas gift for our boss and I am 100% sure that's where I was infected. My coworker ended up getting worse throughout the day and actually left at lunch and worked the rest of the day from home.
I then went the whole weekend acting as everything was fine because I had no idea. I went out with my family on Friday night, then my sister and I went to our friends wedding on Saturday night, and then we spent some time with extended family doing Christmas activities since I wouldn't be spending Christmas with my family. On Sunday night my boss texted me that we were going to be working remotely that week due to the fact that my coworker had tested positive on Friday night and right then and there I knew I was going to get Covid. I was trying so hard to stay positive because I didn't want to miss my trip. It's the trip my fiancé and I had been looking forward to for so many years. I had plan the next day to go get my nails done for the trip with my fiancé's sister on Monday evening and I warned her about everything and just told her that we could wear masks the entire time we're together and roll down the windows in the car or we didn't have to go at all if she didn't feel comfortable.
We ended up going to get our nails done and as soon as I got home, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew I was sick. I had a stuff nose and I felt extremely tired. I could definitely tell my body was fighting something. I told my sister and we kind of avoided each other but at the same time we both knew we would be catching it. I went straight to my room to FaceTime my fiancé and tell him how I was feeling and he was trying to tell me it was all in my head and that I needed to focus on the trip and just stay positive. I tried really hard not to think about it but it was definitely happening. I actually couldn't sleep at all on Monday night and I ended up feeling even worse on Tuesday morning. We didn't have any at home Covid tests in the house so my sister went out and picked some up. I ended up calling out sick on the Tuesday and I had already had a pre-scheduled sick day for the Wednesday because I was going to go and get a covid test somewhere before my flight that evening but this was before I found out I was positive. I ended up testing at home on Tuesday morning and it came back positive and I broke down crying. I was absolutely devastated that I had to miss my trip. I had to tell my family and my fiancé and he told his family that I wouldn't be coming.
After the initial shock set in, I started doing as much research as possible. I started taking every vitamin that they recommend and my sister and I called our mom who was actually a Covid nurse but normally she is an infectious disease nurse anyways. She recommended all of the vitamins to us and other things that they do in the hospital because I wanted to overcome this as quickly as possible because I still had somewhat of a chance to be able to visit my fiancé and his family. I started doing the math and cancelling my flights. I looked at my vacation days at work and the time we automatically get off for the holidays. In total by the end of the holidays I ended up having 11 work days off and a grand total of 15 days off. By the time I went back to work, it felt like I had been gone forever. I honestly had to relearn some parts of my job because I had only been in the job for about 3 ish months. I also came back with Covid brain which was very interesting and annoying. I honestly would forget a lot of things and it would be random. I would also forget how to do random normal life things as well. It was a very weird thing to experience.
Overall, my experience with Covid wasn't really that bad. Thankfully my sister and I had the one that came right after Delta, Omicron and we are so grateful that's the one we had. It was much more mild than Delta and I don't know if I would have survived if I had Delta because I don't really have the best of lungs. But my sister was pretty much a day behind me the whole time. I tested positive on Tuesday and she tested positive on Wednesday. We ended up driving to a local testing site to get a PCR and a rapid test done just to be sure. Ironically, all of my rapid tests came back positive and my PCR test came back negative.
I ended up having to miss the first half of the trip but thankfully I was still able to make it out there for New Years. I still got to see his home town and hangout with some of his family and meet some family members that I knew all about but had never met them. Overall, I wouldn't say that my Christmas was ruined because I got to spend a lot of time just hanging out with my sister and catching up. We watched a lot of movie and TV shows and just hung out in the living room a lot. I FaceTimed with my fiancé some and went back to counting down the days until I could be up there. I spent a lot time resting because honestly Covid is exhausting. I didn't even have it that bad but I definitely got tired doing some random things. On Christmas Day our mom My mom brought us some Christmas dinner and dessert and we ate it out on our back porch sitting on opposite sides of the porch obviously.
Since the height of Covid and after getting Covid I would say that my life has pretty much gone back to normal. I was vaccinated but with only two of the vaccines. I never got my booster because I had immunity after getting Covid and now I just stay indoors all of the time since I don't work right now. Honestly, this whole experience has been kind of crazy and I definitely can't wait for life to go back to 100% normal.
Thanks for stopping by!
XO, Steph