August 08, 2016

Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers

Hey guys,

Today's blog post is very similar to the one I did on my Top 5 Favorite Beauty Gurus. I know that this might not be the best idea but as bloggers (and humans) we all have to stick together and help one another out! So as you can see from the title, I'm sharing my Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers. 

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers
The first one is The Sweetest Thing and the writer is Emily Gemma. She and her little family are absolutely #goals. I love the relationship she has with her husband and I also love their dog, Fitz! 

Emily is one of the main reasons I chose to do a fashion blog. I already loved fashion and had been in love with it for about 8 years (ever since I was in 7th grade) but I never really thought about actually creating a blog dedicated to styling different outfits. I found her blog probably at the end of my sophomore year of college and then at the beginning of my junior year I was required to start a blog for one of my marketing classes. I chose to write about fashion and the rest is history. Honestly, I wish I had known this was thing when I was in high school because I probably would have started much sooner.  

I don't always love some of the things she wears but that's mainly because she is a lot taller than me and she can pull some things off better than I can (haha). One of the main reason's I love Emily is because she is a full time fashion blogger with her MBA (Masters in Business Administration)!  I think it's great to be educated and eventually my goal is to go back to school and get my MBA as well. I'm just not sure what it will be in yet, who knows, maybe I will end up getting two MBA's like I got two bachelors degrees!

Over the last couple years of reading Emily's blog and following her on social media, I sometimes feel like we are best friends and like I am apart of her family (even though I have never actually spoken to her haha). It's a really weird feeling but if you enjoy reading blogs then you might understand where I'm coming from. It's also how I want you guys to feel when you come to my blog or follow me on social media. I have always enjoyed getting to know new people and being able to share with them. If you ever have a question or need advice, don't hesitate to email me!

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers
The next blogger is Caitlin Covington and I actually don't know that much about her personal life other than she has a boyfriend, they both live in Winston Salem, NC and her mom and boyfriend both take the outfit photos for her blog. I also know that Caitlin and I are the same height and I wish I could steal some items from her closet because she seriously wears the cutest rompers and dresses!

Also, Caitlin and Emily are actually best friends and became friends through blogging!

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers
Krista from Covering the Bases is our next blogger. She lives in NYC and I love reading her posts about New York and all of her blogging tips. She is also a big fan of Lily Pulitzer, like me! She wears some of the cutest dresses and I also love how she works for Major League Baseball! 

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers
Jade Scott is recent mommy again, she has two adorable kids under the age of 2. She is extremely fashionable and I have loved getting to watch her family grow over the last couple of years. I enjoy following her on Snapchat and getting to learn things from her about being a new mom! Also, she is a Florida fashion blogger! I'm not entirely sure where she lives but I believe it somewhere on the east coast of Florida near Miami or Fort Lauderdale.

Stephanie Kamp Blog: Top 5 Favorite Lifestyle Bloggers
Our last blogger is also a Florida fashion blogger. She lives in Orlando Florida with her husband and it has been fun getting to see them get married and go on a couple of exciting trips such as a honeymoon cruise to Alaska and a recent trip to India. I also love where she gets her inspiration from. She either finds photos online or in magazine and try to recreate the look for much less.

Do you guys have any favorite bloggers? If so let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for stopping by!
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XO, Steph


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