Hey Guys!
Happy Friday! Today's post is about our Ring/Sign Bearer Boxes. We have one Ring Bearer and one Sign Bearer. We haven't picked what sign we want our sign bearer to carry down the aisle and we are totally open to suggestions if anyone has a cute idea!
But for their boxes, they each received the same Ring Pop and Albanese Gummy Bears. They also received a Mickey Mouse drinking cup that I totally want for myself as well lol. The Ring Bearer got a shirt that says "Yup, I'm the Ring Dude" and our Sign Bearer got a custom shirt that says "Official Sign Bearer" with his name on it. They both also got custom sunglasses that say their title as well as their name. The sunglasses were from Etsy as well as the custom Sign Bearer shirt. I had a really hard time finding things that said Sign Bearer on them which is why he got more custom items but it's funny because when you Google, Sign Bearer is totally a role in a wedding so it's kind of odd that no one has really created that much stuff with Sign Bearer on it.
The photos below are how the Ring Bearer box turned out. So far only our Sign Bearer has received his box. I have to wait to give some of the items until my Disney Bachelorette party next month because there is one family where every member has a role in the wedding but unfortunately they live in Georgia. I was supposed to give them their stuff when I went wedding dress shopping but unfortunately I didn't realize how little time we had and yet how far away they still lived from where we were staying.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed today's post and have a great weekend!
XO, Steph
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