September 24, 2016

Where I See the Blog Going

Where I See the Blog Going
Hey guys,

So since yesterday marked the 100th blog post, I thought I should do a blog post where I talk a little bit about the blog and where I see it going. As I have mentioned in some other previous blog posts, I have so many ideas for the blog and so many ideas for my life. Currently, some of my ideas include the weekly themed posts that are going up which I want to explain a little better (in case anyone is confused).

So one day each week of a new month I will have specific themed posts that will be going up on a certain day.

The schedule is:
Week 1 – Q&A Monday’s (this will be the first Monday of the month)
Week 2 – How to Tuesday’s
Week 3 – What to Wear Wednesday’s
Week 4 – Things to do Thursday’s

However, I want to clarify that for Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s, it may not always be the second Tuesday or the third Wednesday and so on. It will be the Tuesday that is in the second week, the Wednesday that is in the third week, and the Thursday that is in the 4th week. Also, the reason it stops at Thursday’s is because it is very rare to have a 5th week in a month.

Eventually my goal, once I save up some money is to do Freebie Friday’s every now and then. This means that I will be hosting giveaways either on my blog or on other social media accounts. Eventually my goal will be to host one on the last Friday of every single month but we will have to see what happens.

Also, another goal that I have is to save up some money and have someone professional design the blog. I have a lifestyle page that I want to add to the menu bar but I'm having some issues adding it. So it would be nice if everything could be custom and actually work the way that I want it to. 

Another thing that I would really like to do is, start a YouTube Channel. This is something that I have talked about doing for the last 4 years and every time I sit down in front of the camera, I freeze and never end up filming a video. However, I’m seriously going to force myself to do it soon because it’s something that I have wanted to do for a while and you should try something new every now and then.

My main goal with the YouTube channel would be to film beauty and fashion videos. Also, since my sister and I recently purchased a house we were thinking of starting a series where we show you what the house looked like when we purchased it, what it looked like after we did some minor/major changes before we moved in, and what it looks like after we have completely moved in. We don’t have all of the furniture pieces that we want and we also seriously want to renovate the bathrooms and kitchen so we want to show what we do to the house as time goes on and all of the changes that we make to the house. I constantly want to film new house tours whenever we make any changes just to keep you guys updated so you guys can see how far the house has come.

My end goal with the blog and starting a YouTube channel would be to provide content every single day of the week. Which means Sunday- Saturday. The reason I want to do this is because I wish more bloggers would blog on the weekend. There have been so many times where it would be the weekend and I was just relaxing and wished I had a new blog post to read from my favorite blogger. The schedule I would like to have would be a blog post on Monday – Friday and then a new YouTube video on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So Friday would be like a bonus day!

However, with all of that being said, I am currently looking for a job or jobs so I really have no idea how much time I will have to actually accomplish all of this. But I am not afraid of a challenge and I have always worked extremely hard to get exactly what I want. I don’t imagine myself giving up on my goals and dreams anytime soon but we will have to see what life will be like once I am able to start working!

Once I am able to get more into a routine I should be fine and I should be able to get everything done that I want to get done. So when that happens and I have actually filmed and edited a couple videos, I will definitely make an announcement post on the blog when it goes live!

Thanks for stopping by!
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XO, Steph


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